Five Common Causes for Destructive Organizational Miscommunication, and How They Can Be Avoided

From the bottom all the way up, all tiers of the organization thrive on human communication. Team members need to communicate well in order to complete missions and achieve goals. Managers need to communicate well with their employees to drive production. Senior executives must communicate well in order to strategize and steer their respective departments.

In a utopian organization, a positive organizational culture ensures flawless communication between all personnel. Everyone feels free to speak their mind, everybody listens, and everything gets done with ease and simplicity. But as anyone who has ever worked in an organization knows, things just don’t work that way. What is seemingly effective communication might end up becoming rampant miscommunication. Maybe it’s just human nature to misunderstand and be misunderstood. That said, a majority of organizational miscommunication can actually be avoided.

Organizational miscommunication

What Causes Organizational Miscommunication?

Before we start analyzing ways for solving miscommunication, we need to understand what causes it. Here are a few major causes:

The Destructive Effects of Miscommunication

Miscommunication can have a destructive effect on organizations and their team members. Here are some of the most common outcomes of poorly-understood workplace interactions:

organizational miscommunication

How to Avoid Organizational Miscommunication

Organizational miscommunication is not a predestination; rather, it’s more like a bad habit. If only they are acknowledged, bad habits can easily be changed. Here are a few great tips for better communication across all corporate tiers:

Effective communication is imperative for organizational success. Today there is an abundance of advanced collaboration tools that can help organizations work smarter and create better, more communicative environments. Every organization is different; the trick is to find the right formula that works best for yours.
Here’s to great communication!

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