Security Awareness Training: Your Go-To Cybersecurity Tool

Cybercrime is everywhere, and businesses are spending vast resources to protect themselves.  Alongside IT resources and cyber security software, effective employee training can greatly reduce cyber-related risks.

If there’s one thing that businesses have in common – from the largest enterprise organization to the smallest family operation – it is the need to protect their data and computer-based activities from cybercrime. Cybersecurity software is instrumental in keeping businesses safe, yet many cyberattacks remain one step ahead. In a reality where cybercrime is often more cunning than the software designed to stop it, businesses must enhance their efforts with yet another effective tool: employee training.

What is Security Awareness Training?

Many cyberattacks are designed to tempt employees into opening malicious emails or clicking on links that initiate phishing attacks. These attempts can fool almost anyone – even employees who claim they know how to recognize malicious emails from a mile away. Cybercrime is a fast-developing field of expertise, and the level of cunning and ingenuity is constantly on the rise.

The purpose of security awareness training is to help employees recognize the methods cyber terrorists use to lure them to open malicious emails, documents, and links. This training transform employees into active cyber security enforcers. The training covers the many forms of cyberattacks – from phishing to social engineering – and the many methodologies used to engage employees in these attacks. In essence, security awareness training helps employees develop the organization’s human firewall. It also helps them understand their important role in preventing cyberattacks and keeping their organizations safe.

security awareness training
Develop your human firewall and teach your colleagues how to stay away from phishing attempts

Why Your Organization Needs Security Awareness Training

Let’s start with an alarming statistic: 91% of all successful data breaches start with a phishing attack that targets employees. This means, of course, that if employees worldwide were more resistant to these attacks, then the number of successful data breaches would decrease considerably. Unfortunately, it is estimated that one out over every 3 employees is phish-prone, and can easily be fooled into engaging with a phishing scam. While this may not harm the employee, it will definitely harm his or her organization. Data breaches can lead to massive financial losses and can also tarnish a positive reputation that took years of hard work to establish.

If you value your organization’s data, privacy, and digital resources, then you should know that state-of-the-art cyber security software is important, but it’s not enough. Your first line of defense against data breaches are your employees. At their most vulnerable, they can unknowingly open the gate to devastating cyberattacks. But if they are knowledgeable, they can act as highly effective gate keepers, and keep your business safe. As a business owner, the best way to turn your employees into cyber defenders is to provide them with high-level security awareness training.

security awareness training
Protect your organization with ease

The KnowBe4 Differentiation

We’ve established that your organization can greatly benefit from security awareness training. But the question remains: which training platform should you invest in?

There are several parameters in which business owners can judge a potential security awareness training platform. For starters, it has to be cutting-edge and up-to-date. Second, it should offer experiential training that engages employees to remember the best practices they’ve learned and to embrace their role as cyber security gatekeepers. Third, it should interface effectively with the organization’s IT. The problem is, a majority of security awareness training platforms are either outdated, do not offer engaging learning experiences, or are simply ineffective. But KnowBe4 is different. Much different.

What Does It Mean?

  • KnowBe4 is cutting-edge: KnowBe4 offers organizations the most up-to-date security awareness training in the market. Its training library is constantly expanding, and responds to dynamic occurrences. Nothing remains static. In fact, KnowBe4’s training content library is the largest of its kind in the world.
  • KnowBe4 is highly engaging: The platform’s content library has one goal: to engage employees. Therefore, it offers literally thousands of training materials from a wide variety of mediums – from written content and games, to videos, interactive materials, and phishing simulations. KnowBe4 content delivery is designed to be creative and fun – because that’s the best way to learn.


  • KnowBe4 is IT-friendly: No platform can be effective if admins – mostly IT specialists – need to spend hours on end operating it. KnowBe4 is very admin friendly, and admins find it extremely easy to operate, thanks to thousands or ready-to-use phishing templates. Admins also gain access to many useful reports and analytics that dissect ongoing user performance and progress.


  • KnowBe4 really works: In the end, it’s all about results. KnowBe4 users report that after several months, the average percentage of their phish-prone employees is reduced from approximately 30% to less than 5%. A major component of KnowBe4’s success is its dynamic training method. First, a baseline test assesses the number of employees that are prone to attacks within the organization. Then, effective training is administered in order to teach employee to avoid dangerous attacks. But the training never truly ends; as employers or admins, you can use the platform to send your employees periodical simulations that sharpen their skills and keep their awareness levels high.

So What's Next?

Want to learn more about the KnowBe4 platform? Get a perview of the world’s largest security awareness training library or library preview, book a demo, or contact Naotech today. We’ll be happy to provide you with more information on how to implement effective security awareness training.

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