What To Expect From The Post-COVID 19 Office?

2021 and the highly anticipated vaccine are finally here. Yet, the world is still struggling with the global pandemic and Israel is under lockdown yet again. But as we learn more and more about the virus and how to fight it, many organizations are already preparing for the post-COVID 19 office. And while there are many ways in which organizations can adapt to the post-COVID world, one thing is clear: everything has changed, and nothing will go back to being what it once was.

Innovative post-COVID 19 office Technology

The post-COVID 19 office requires strategy, resources – and technology. In 2020, everyone was exposed to the wonders of Zoom communication and video conferencing. But now, as we prepare ourselves for the post-COVID work environments, office technology is entering a whole new level of innovation.

As expected, Zoom is one of the leaders of this technological revolution. The company unleashed a variety of new features, products and platforms that will help offices adjust and thrive in the age of post-COVID, and will keep on doing so in 2021. The video below will give you an indication of what to expect:

Post-COVID 19 Office: What Should Organizations Focus On?

In early 2020, many organizations around the world responded to COVID 19 by making a speedy operational transition to a safer work environment. So did we.

By using capsules and giving employees the freedom to choose whether to come to the office or work from home, Naotech took an extra-careful approach. We also made sure to practice social distancing at all times. Naturally, we used Zoom to video conference with one another and with our clients, even more often than before COVID-19. In addition, we made sure to get together on Zoom for company events and fun socializing.

But now, we must plan for the future. Dealing with the present is very important, but the time has come for organizations to look ahead and envision post-COVID 19 office.

post-covid office
Organizations and employees alike should adapt to the new reality in the post-COVID 19 office

The Hybrid Office

The post-COVID 19 office is going to look completely different. By different we mean hybrid.


If the global pandemic has shown us anything, it is that working from home can actually be very effective and even prevent stress. In the near future, this will allow organizations to adopt permanent models that will accommodate their employees by allowing them to work both at home and at the office. The hybrid model will likely increase the work-home balance and allow employees to continue to enjoy office culture, while avoiding traffic and spending more time at home.

The Other Benefits of the Hybrid Model

In addition to creating more satisfied employees, the hybrid office will significantly benefit employers. By implementing a leaner operation, businesses will reduce office expenditures and decrease the use of resources such as electricity, internet, office equipment, parking spaces and more. Hybridity will also support the capsule work model and help create a healthier, virus-free office environment. Even vaccinated employees will surely want that, just in case.

One of the main technologies poised to support permanent hybrid models is video conferencing. With Zoom, employees can join important meetings from their living rooms and make the most out of them, brainstorm with colleagues that are in the office and share screen-time with important clients. Once the organization purchases Zoom licenses, every employee can use it to accomplish important business goals.

New Office Dynamics

The days ahead are going to change everything we thought we knew about office dynamics. In terms of organizational cultural, a big change is inevitable. Every successful organization’s strongest asset is its culture. We are used to breeding culture inside the office, but it can also be created, cultivated and maintained in hybrid-times. 

Offices shouldn’t have to give up on company events, lectures and other gatherings. Zoom has many interactive features that can help employees get together for virtual office parties, games and other fun activities.

As far as motivation goes, Organizations should keep in mind that their employees’ motivations have changed after COVID-19. Many employees are seeking less stressful and more flexible work environments. Many other see the value of working from home, but also want to feel that they have an office that they can come to if they need to. Above all else, in these uncertain times, they want to contribute and be appreciated for their efforts.

Office life post covid
Even after the vaccination operation in Israel, post-COVID 19 office life is going to be very different

The Surprising Outcomes of COVID 19

Employee’s mindsets are set to change dramatically in the foreseeable future. When negotiating with a potential employee prior to the pandemic, the issue of working from home hardly ever came up. Now, it will surface in every HR interview. In order to recruit high-level talent, organizations should update their office/home work policies. 

Organizations should also encourage highly-sought after candidates to discuss their work-from-home needs, so that they can comply if that’s what it takes to recruit them. Also, more employees are set to join the labor market and stay at home thanks to the Zoom revolution, such as new parents and people with disabilities.

Also, geographic location no longer carries the same weight. Organizations should consider expanding their talent pool and hiring high-level employees who live far from the office. In the near future, permanent hybrid offices will make it easier for employees to commute once or twice a week from far away. Thanks to Zoom, they will also be able to deliver superior results from home.

Turning COVID Lemons into Post-Pandemic Lemonade

COVID 19 has taken a toll on the financial market and businesses worldwide. But still, the old cliché is true: where there is challenge, there is also opportunity.

Organizations today have an unprecedented opportunity to redesign their culture, reframe their business objectives, reconfigure their strategy and restructure their resource use. Thanks to the vaccine, the pandemic’s end is already in sight, or at least, so it seams. While COVID 19 will remain, it will hopefully become a somewhat less dramatic phenomenon. Organizations must plan for this not-too-distant future.

From our perspective, it is clear that this preparation involves every aspect of the organization. That said, communication technology plays a huge role in every post-COVID business transition. When deployed properly and effectively, Zoom and video conferencing hardware can actively help facilitate success, on a daily and ongoing basis.

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